Revenant Est_art_space
Event date
  • From the 13/12/2023 until the day 18/05/2024

  • Schedule:

Price: 0€

More information on the webpage: Est Art Space

Location: view in Google Maps

Direction: Calle de la Granja, 4, 280108, Alcobendas, Madrid.

Description: I participate with a ceramic piece in this group exhibition, which seeks to give a second life to domestic objects through artistic intervention, destruction and transformation. Dying to be born again.

Other participating artists: Collective exhibition

Revenant Est_art_space
Expo Reverant Alcobendas Javier gonzalez ramos
Expo Reverant Alcobendas Javier gonzalez ramos
Expo Reverant Alcobendas Javier gonzalez ramos
Expo Reverant Alcobendas Javier gonzalez ramos
Expo Reverant Alcobendas Javier gonzalez ramos
Expo Reverant Alcobendas Javier gonzalez ramos
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